
Monday, November 1, 2010

Pumpkins with the pumpkin...

This year the night before trick or treat just happened to fall on a Friday.  This Friday also happened to be the Halloween dance at Reilly's school.  I couldn't wrap my head around the fact that she wasn't going to be with us to carve pumpkins. 

We ALWAYS carve pumpkins together. 

I mean we always have before...

and it was really hard for me to let it go.

I wanted her to stay home.

With me.

With all of us.

We'll my friends...that just wasn't in the cards for me...

I let go.

Besides... I think it's good for Reagan to have us all to herself every once in a while.  She doesn't get that very often... us... all to herself.  Reilly spent the first 7 years of her life as an only child.  She never had to share us. 

There are some pretty wonderful things that come with being the youngest...the baby of the family...having your Mom and Dad all to yourself is usually not at the top of that list.

So here we are...

Reilly going to the dance...with her girlies...

It was a Halloween party...and you HAD to dress up to get in...
good things girls never outgrow dressing up...

and us...

up to our elbows in pumpkin guts...

So...we emptied these bad boys of all their guts and seeds...

and then Reagan started to draw...
sure she wanted a scary face.

and then we got out all the special tools...
the one just for pumpkins...

and then..the most exciting thing of all..
Reagan, for the first time...
she got to carve...
by. herself.
It was kind of a big deal.

and boy...OH boy was this pumpkin scary...

and boy...was this kid super proud....
of HER scary pumpkin.

Mama's wasn't too shabby either...

maybe not as scary...

unless your a Yankee fan that is...

Then..it was the best part...
cooking the seeds...

and what do you know...

guess what was on after...

Really does it get any better than
a little Charlie Brown and the Great Pumpkin to bring in

It was a good night...
we had fun...the three of us...
we missed our big girl...
not that I think she missed us all that much..
she was having way to much fun with all her friends...
I have a feeling this is something we are going to have to get used to...
her wanting to be with them more than she wants to be with us...

I know it's coming...
and I will probably get a little more used to it..
but is doesn't mean I am going to like it...

Happy Halloween

1 comment:

JustineL said...

You know how you always tell me that watching Gracie & I is like a view into your past?
I feel like watching you with Reilly is a glimpse into my future. And I won't pretend like I'm not terrified of the teenage years- but you are navigating it with such grace & love & positivity- I have hope. I know it's not easy- but you're doing a great job Mama!
And I KNOW Reagan just ate up that one-on-one time :)
