
Friday, May 27, 2011

I confess...


I confess...
I love junk food. A lot.  

I confess...
I eat more junk food than healthy food.

I confess...
Sometimes I hide food from my kids.  Not because I don't want to share with them...but because I want them to eat healthier things than I do.  

I confess...
Sometimes I wait for my husband to leave or fall asleep to eat the things I want...because I don't want to feel all judged...

I confess...
That I hope putting this out there will help me change those unhealthy eating habits a little bit....
cause I could lose 20 or so pounds...

I confess...
 There will be no bathing suits on his here body this year...unless I do lose a few pounds...

I confess...
 I think NOT getting into a bathing suit is my punishment for not having more restraint when it comes to bad food.

I confess...
We are probably going out to eat tonight...

I confess...
There will be cake this weekend because it's my daughters birthday...and how can I not eat cake to celebrate my birthing a child?  I deserve the cake damn it.... (see how I do that?  justify it all...)

I confess...
There will probably be ice cream tonight too..

What do you confess?

1 comment:

Mamarazzi said...

ummm why am i hungry now? well not REALLY hungry more like i want CAKE now!!

thanks for linking up, love the confessions!